Of course ! Please distinguish the following cases:
. If you finish your PhD in 3 weeks and you need me for all the morphometrics inside, I’m afraid all I have to offer is my shoulder :-sTry methods(class="your_class")
, eg methods(class="Opn")
, eg `methods(“fgProcrustes”)
Try ?method
, eg ?coo_center
Yes: MomX.
Because I believe it is the present and the future, provides a very solid and consistent design, fixes most of what I did not like much in R. If you do not like the pipe in particular, just do not use it.
Arrays are fine but list are better. Particularly when the number of coordinates is not homogeneous between shapes which is often the case if you do non landmark-based morphometrics. Also, with arrays you are more or less limited to apply
family; with list
s, the tydy data_frame
s are very close and so is the entire functional programming family brough by purrr
See Momit
and if something is not working there, I will fix it and thank you.
?See ?import_jpg
. You must have masks of your silhouette, eg an area of black pixels on a white background. It’s better if your mask is centered, ie if the center of the image falls within the black area. If you have bizzarre silhouette or errors, check for the black-white frontier, particularly for isolated pixels, connected to the mask by their diagonal. See below (.
for white, *
for `black), the last black pixel on the second line will cause troubles. Any rotational variation of this pixel “diagonally” connected will also cause troubles. You can remove them with “dilation/erosion” of a selection of black pixels within any image editor.