
Let’s have a drink1. Do you prefer beer or wine?

mosaic(bot, type) # add id support

Everything is a tibble

You see the visual representation of a “mom” object that looks like this:

bot                  # shipped with Momocs2

Across MomX, the main object is mom, are tibbles, slightly augmented for morphometrics. Tibbles themselves are built on top of goold old data.frame.

Keep this in mind:

A mom is a tibble, a tibble is a data.frame, a data.frame is a list, and a list can contain anything, including other lists.

Typically, at some point of the MomX pipeline, one or more columns in these tibbles will store coordinates (<coo_list>), coefficients (<coe_list>), etc.

coordinates classes

The coo column above is a <coo_list> a list of single shapes. Let’s have a look:

bot$coo %>% head(2)

Each single shapes are stored in tibbles with exactly 2 columns, named x and y. Such a thing is a <coo_single>.

In morphometrics, shapes rarely come single but as collection of shapes, hence the <coo_list>. Also, they usually have covariates attached that should be firmly tied to it, hence the <mom_tbl>.

coefficients classes

In morphometrics, the destiny of coordinates is to be turned into coefficients. Coefficients are obtained using morphometric methods like elliptical Fourier transforms, or Procrustes alignment.


Here an elliptical Fourier tranform turned a <coo_single> into a <coe_single>. They are tibbles with exactly 1 row but with possiby many columns.

Morphometrics is pivotationnal, or transpositionnal, in nature: it turns long tables (many rows, few columns) into large table (1 row, many columns)

Yes, <coe_single> can be gathered into <coe_list>, and can be a column in a <mom>.

Now you know how it works.

The best news is that, in most cases, and whether you have met retired Momocs before, you won’t have to bother with this2:

bot %>% efourier()

MomX and the tidyverse

MomX owes everything to the tidyverse and to the humans behind it. I deeply believe, it is not a trend or something, it is more the right way to do things in data science as a whole.

In particular, MomX :

  • is built on top of the tidyverse. For example, Momocs2 has no other dependencies outside those that the tidyverse also uses
  • embraces the tidy tools manifesto
  • is directly inspired, in its ecosystemic nature, by the tidyverse

MomX thus makes a massive use of dplyr, ggplot2, purrr and, on a lighter note, on magrittr pipe operators. They are a must and you haven’t heard of these, stop what you’re doing, close the door and go there :

  1. Please drink responsibly↩︎

  2. I did it for you ;-)↩︎