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A set of functions around PCA/LDA eigen/trace. scree calculates their proportion and cumulated proportion; scree_min returns the minimal number of axis to use to retain a given proportion; scree_plot displays a screeplot.


scree(x, nax)

# S3 method for PCA
scree(x, nax)

# S3 method for LDA
scree(x, nax)

scree_min(x, prop)

scree_plot(x, nax)



a PCA object


numeric range of axes to consider. All by default for scree_min, display until 0.99 for scree_plot


numeric how many axes are enough to gather this proportion of variance. Default to 1, all axes are returned defaut to 1: all axis are returned


scree returns a data.frame, scree_min a numeric, scree_plot a ggplot.


# On PCA
bp <- PCA(efourier(bot))
#> 'norm=TRUE' is used and this may be troublesome. See ?efourier #Details
#> 'nb.h' set to 10 (99% harmonic power)
#> # A tibble: 40 × 3
#>     axis proportion cumsum
#>    <int>      <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1     1    0.761    0.761
#>  2     2    0.170    0.931
#>  3     3    0.0294   0.960
#>  4     4    0.0135   0.974
#>  5     5    0.00860  0.982
#>  6     6    0.00719  0.990
#>  7     7    0.00306  0.993
#>  8     8    0.00190  0.994
#>  9     9    0.00159  0.996
#> 10    10    0.00122  0.997
#> # ℹ 30 more rows
scree_min(bp, 0.99)
#> [1] 7
scree_min(bp, 1)
#> [1] 37


scree_plot(bp, 1:5)

# on LDA, it uses svd
bl <- LDA(PCA(opoly(olea)), "var")
#> 'nb.pts' missing and set to 91
#> 'degree' missing and set to 5
#> 4 PC retained
#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#>    axis proportion cumsum
#>   <int>      <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1     1     0.913   0.913
#> 2     2     0.0603  0.973
#> 3     3     0.0268  1