A little tribe to help with euclidean distances calculations

ed(x, y)

edi(x, y, r = 0.5)

ed_pw(x, y)

ed_nearest(x, y)

ed_furthest(x, y)




x, y

coo_single, matrices or vectors of length 2 (when sensible)


numeric how much of the distance d(x -> y) should we travel?


  • ed: calculates euclidean distance between two points

  • edi: calculates intermediate position between two points

  • ed_pw: calculates pairwise distances between two shapes

  • ed_nearest: calculates closest point to y from x

  • ed_furthest: calculates furthest point to y from x

  • ed_calliper: find calliper (max pairwise ed) length

  • ed_minrad: find minimal radius (min dist to centroid)

See also

Other geometry: geometry


x <- c(0, 0) y <- c(1, 1) ed(x, y) # sqrt(2)
#> [1] 1.414214
edi(x, y, 0.25) # c(0.25, 0.25)
#> [1] 0.25 0.25
bot %>% dplyr::slice(1:2) %>% coo_sample(12) %>% dplyr::pull(coo) -> b ed_pw(b[[1]], b[[2]])
#> [1] 30.52868 20.59126 16.27882 13.03840 18.43909 12.52996 63.06346 73.05477 #> [9] 78.23043 96.76776 77.36924 45.45327
# checking purrr::map_dbl(1:12, ~ed(b[[1]][.x, ], b[[2]][.x, ]))
#> [1] 30.52868 20.59126 16.27882 13.03840 18.43909 12.52996 63.06346 73.05477 #> [9] 78.23043 96.76776 77.36924 45.45327
bot %>% pick(1) %>% ed_nearest(c(0, 0))
#> $d #> [1] 74.20243 #> #> $ids #> x30 #> 30 #>
# nearest and furthest points set.seed(2329) # for the sake of reproducibility when building the pkg foo <- tibble::tibble(x=runif(5), y=runif(5)) z <- c(0.5, 0.5) plot(foo, pch="")
text(foo, labels=1:5)
points(z[1], z[2], col="red", pch=20)
(nearest <- ed_nearest(foo, z))
#> $d #> [1] 0.2719217 #> #> $ids #> x1 #> 1 #>
segments(z[1], z[2], as.numeric(foo[nearest$id, 1]), as.numeric(foo[nearest$id, 2]), col="blue")
(furthest <- ed_furthest(foo, z))
#> $d #> [1] 0.5968936 #> #> $ids #> x5 #> 5 #>
segments(z[1], z[2], as.numeric(foo[furthest$id, 1]), as.numeric(foo[furthest$id, 2]), col="red")
(calli <- ed_calliper(foo))
#> $d #> [1] 0.9358646 #> #> $ids #> [1] 3 5 #>
segments(as.numeric(foo[calli$ids[1], 1]), as.numeric(foo[calli$ids[1], 2]), as.numeric(foo[calli$ids[2], 1]), as.numeric(foo[calli$ids[2], 2]), col="green")