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This methods applies column-wise on the coe of any Coe object but relies on a function that can be used on any matrix. It simply uses rnorm with the mean and sd calculated for every column (or row). For a Coe object, on every colum, randomly generates coefficients values centered on the mean of the column, and with a sd equals to it standard deviates multiplied by rate.


breed(x, ...)

# S3 method for default
breed(x, fac, margin = 2, size, rate = 1, ...)

# S3 method for Coe
breed(x, fac, size, rate = 1, ...)



the object to permute


useless here


a column, a formula or a column id from $fac


numeric whether 1 or 2 (rows or columns)


numeric the required size for the final object, same size by default


numeric the number of sd for rnorm, 1 by default.


a Coe object of same class

See also

Other farming: perm()


m <- matrix(1:12, nrow=3)
breed(m, margin=2, size=4)
#>          [,1]     [,2]     [,3]      [,4]
#> [1,] 2.670620 4.597120 8.401255  9.157338
#> [2,] 1.150985 5.719108 9.356390 10.720259
#> [3,] 3.066805 4.819941 8.019227  9.469230
#> [4,] 1.992539 6.046191 7.530582 13.546154
breed(m, margin=1, size=10)
#>              [,1]     [,2]       [,3]
#>  [1,]  1.30970018 1.769321 -1.5597512
#>  [2,] -0.01744358 6.486750  0.5512378
#>  [3,]  7.13301779 9.320377  7.0219317
#>  [4,]  8.52622563 4.558342 10.8915399
#>  [5,]  2.01645375 7.194958  8.0983293
#>  [6,]  3.54852287 6.733022 14.7962926
#>  [7,]  4.57290872 6.963033  4.4282392
#>  [8,] 10.02364430 6.407625 10.4446975
#>  [9,]  2.40882230 3.826442 11.5882377
#> [10,] 10.19002487 4.197451  3.2041191

bot.f <- efourier(bot, 12)
#> 'norm=TRUE' is used and this may be troublesome. See ?efourier #Details
bot.m <- breed(bot.f, size=80)
bot.m %>% PCA %>% plot
#> will be deprecated soon, see ?plot_PCA

# breed fac wise
# bot.f %>%  breed(~type, size=50) %>% PCA %>% plot(~type)