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Helps reorder and retain landmarks by simply changing the order in which they are recorded in the Coo objects. Note that for Out and Opn objects, this rearranges the $ldk component. For Ldk, it rearranges the $coo directly.


rearrange_ldk(Coo, new_ldk_ids)



any appropriate Coo object (typically an Ldk) with landmarks inside


a vector of numeric with the ldk to retain and in the right order (see below)


a Momocs object of same class

See also

Other ldk/slidings methods: add_ldk(), def_ldk(), def_slidings(), get_ldk(), get_slidings(), slidings_scheme()


# Out example
hearts %>% slice(1) %T>% stack %$% ldk

#> [[1]]
#> [1] 65 56 50 19
hearts %>% rearrange_ldk(c(4, 1)) %>%
       slice(1) %T>%stack %$% ldk

#> [[1]]
#> [1] 19 65

# Ldk example
wings %>% slice(1) %T>% stack %$% coo

#> $AN1
#>          [,1]    [,2]
#>  [1,] -0.4933  0.0130
#>  [2,] -0.0777  0.0832
#>  [3,]  0.2231  0.0861
#>  [4,]  0.2641  0.0462
#>  [5,]  0.2645  0.0261
#>  [6,]  0.2471  0.0003
#>  [7,]  0.2311 -0.0228
#>  [8,]  0.2040 -0.0452
#>  [9,]  0.1282 -0.0742
#> [10,]  0.0424 -0.0966
#> [11,] -0.0674 -0.1108
#> [12,] -0.4102 -0.0163
#> [13,] -0.3140  0.0318
#> [14,] -0.1768  0.0341
#> [15,]  0.0715  0.0509
#> [16,] -0.0540  0.0238
#> [17,]  0.0575 -0.0059
#> [18,] -0.1401 -0.0240
wings %>% rearrange_ldk(c(1, 3, 12:15)) %>%
      slice(1) %T>% stack %$% coo

#> $AN1
#>         [,1]    [,2]
#> [1,] -0.4933  0.0130
#> [2,]  0.2231  0.0861
#> [3,] -0.4102 -0.0163
#> [4,] -0.3140  0.0318
#> [5,] -0.1768  0.0341
#> [6,]  0.0715  0.0509