Authors and Citation
Vincent Bonhomme. Author, maintainer.
Julien Claude. Author.
core functions in base R
Source: inst/CITATION
Bonhomme V, Picq S, Gaucherel C, Claude J (2014). Momocs: Outline Analysis Using R, volume 56 number 13.
@Manual{, textversion = {Vincent Bonhomme, Sandrine Picq, Cedric Gaucherel, Julien Claude (2014).}, title = {Momocs: Outline Analysis Using R}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, year = {2014}, volume = {56}, number = {13}, pages = {1--24}, url = {}, author = {Vincent Bonhomme and Sandrine Picq and Cédric Gaucherel and Julien Claude}, }